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RBS job cuts

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GKW | 19:46 Tue 07th Apr 2009 | Personal Finance
8 Answers
Is my money safe in an account with RBS?


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Up to �50,000 yes. Why wouldn't it be?
no they're a rubbish bank inmo and need to close their doors permanently, take your money and put it with bradford and bingley cos santander 's boss is a clever bloke and wonlt take any daft messing about like the rbs eejits
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nope i had a row with a dozy idiot there today and they have annoyed me. I cancelled a direct debit yesterday giving 3 days notice as it is due out on the 9th. the insurance company took it out today, 2 days early, and because i did not cancel 3 days ago they have paid it. I explained that one would have to be telepathic to carry on any efficient banking with the RBS.
Your quarrel is with the insurance company then, not RBS.

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GKW- I believe the government is the major stakeholder in RBS now, so it's highly unlikely the government wouldn't bail out all savings, even those over �50,000.
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RBS job cuts

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