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kirstywllc | 01:23 Tue 11th Dec 2007 | Food & Drink
25 Answers
am a bit bored and can't be bothered going to bed yet so-what's everyone's fave chocolate bar?


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i love belgian chochies dark or white
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ooh i love these guerlain ones or however you spell it!
Why did you mention chocolate? - I have just had to go and raid the xmas tree chocs!

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don't tempt me-i bought 2 selection boxes as christmas pressies and their stiiting in my room looking at me!
Anyone want the selection boxes i've got up inthe loft? At LEAST 8 year's old!!!!!
Kirstywllc - go for it - I don't want to sit here feeling guilty on my own, thinking of my daughter's face when she sees the tree is bare in the morining!
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already eaten too much chocolate today-maybe tomorrow!
Probably a bit late now, but I like Boost's, Time Out's, Cadburys Whole Nut and Revels. And Maltesers. And Minstrels, and ROlos and those new Mistletoe things.

Erm, it's probably easier to ask what chocolate I don't like cos that's easy - Hersheys.
Ferrero Rocher. When I buy them I have to hide them!!
turkish delight with the chocolate on the soft side oh and kinder eggs.
I just love chocolate!! It doesn't matter what make, i love it all!
My nephew is a doctor. One of his earliest jobs when training was to manually evacuate an elderly patient. He says it has put him off Ferrero Rocher for life!
Galaxy for me, and favey choc product is Turkish Delight.
And when I'm being good, Options do a TD hot choc, low calorie etc but scrummy x x
Anything with Peanut butter in it - KitKat, peanut butter M&Ms, Butterfingers, Reeces Pieces. All Yummy.

having said that, i am partial to cadburys twirls.
Oh anything without nuts, so it has to be a dipped flake or a wispa
Cant beat good old Cadburys!! If we are talking boxes of chocolates then Terries All Gold are by far my favourites!! Ever had toffeffee?? they are simply delicious as well!!
Has to be Lindt extra creamy milk choc bar.
lol @ derrynoose.
Pinkkitty, you sound just the same as me. I love anything with peanut butter in !! And yes, cadbury's twirl is another favourite ! I love a good big bar of dairy milk too !
What happened to the Fuse bar ??

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