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Old Maps

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webbo3 | 11:08 Sun 07th Aug 2016 | History
5 Answers
Anyone know of a decent website where you can look at old maps so you can see what was there before yore house was built, I seem to remember a site where you could go back in time on a map, (a bit like google maps) but you could drag a little "thing" and the map would go back in time.



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Here it is, Dave...
11:09 Sun 07th Aug 2016
I got quite excited waiting for jackthehat's link to load as I have been looking for this kind of thing too. But the map is only for England, Wales and Scotland - doesn't include Northern Ireland. Bummer.
What a useful link jack, thanks.
A very worthwhile link, thanks. I've spent a lot of money buying old Bolton maps to help my transcribing of old registers!
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Thank you jack.


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