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update on salary discrepancy

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Mully79 | 10:47 Tue 07th Oct 2008 | Jobs
4 Answers
Further to my other post about my salary, I have a payslip (finally), dated 03/10, the breakdown is

(weekly pay)
Tax code 543L
Gross pay 341.70
PAYE tax 36.40
NI 19.95
Childcare voucher 55.00
Take home pay �230.34

I've just been on the listentotaxman website

It says I should be bringing home �264.30 on tax code 543L not including childcare. If I deduct �2860 (estimating a year's worth of childcare vouchers which are apparently tax and NI free) then it's �253.30.

On tax code 603L it's �266.95 and �255.95 respectively (my husband has told me I should now be on that tax code?)

Have I miscalculated the childcare element if my take home pay is only �230.34? It just looks like there is something really, really wrong here unless I've totally miscalculated. I've been receiving this amount for at least the last 18 months.

I receive no other benefits, i.e. overtime, I'm on an annual salary of �17,500. Oh and my boss says some people are 'exempt' from the �60 tax rebate due in September - I thought everyone was entitled to it, I've been there for 4� years incidentally. If anyone can shed any light on this I'd be very grateful.


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Thanks for your reply.
How is he able to get it so wrong and can I claim back any overpayments myself or does it have to be through him? Is there a time limit on claiming back tax overpayments?

I wanted to phone up the tax offices to check with them, but I was frightened they'd end up investigating him and potentially jeopardise my and colleague's jobs if he ended up with a fine he couldn't pay. I'm not in a position to lose my job right now!
Are you sure child care vouchers are free of tax. i have posted before to say that although they are exempt from NI I'm not sure they are exempt from tax.
Have you worked for this employer throughout this tax year or did you have earnings from any other employment this tax year?
The tax code should have changed on the first pay date after 7th September, and you should then have got any tax refund due to you with that pay.

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