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whiskeryron | 17:56 Tue 03rd Jul 2018 | Film, Media & TV
20 Answers
Could someone try to explain to me why the women tennis players I'm watching keep having a major orgasm ? Can they not play quietly for goodness sake ?


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Don't know, back soon - off to buy a Racket.
I agree. They seem to be getting worse.
Question Author
Not sure mamy if you automatically get the book of instructions & tools with the racket.

I'm not allowed sharp objects - will stick with dominoes.
Nadal isn't exactly quiet!
Question Author
Not a lot of excitement with dominoes mams.
It's 'cos they know you're watching Ron, it really turns them on ;-) (They don't do it when you're not watching, honest).
More likely they've spotted me in the crowd again.
You've never played dominoes with me Ron ;-)
Have you heard Sharapova!!! I watch with the volume down! She really grunts.
Women players having major orgasms?

Umpires shouting out "New balls, please"?

Should such filth be shown at family viewing times, I ask?


ditto Chris

O keep your pants dry ! whiskey
or Bridge with me
I grunt a lot then - in a sort of girlie way
It's called cheating. They don't do it in practise, which proves they don't need to do it. They aim to stop their opponent hearing the ball coming towards them, and therefore being able to judge it fully
Dee - I would hesitate to call it cheating.

I believe that the players who grunt, of either gender, do it to add to the force of the stroke. I have no idea if that's true, I don't play, but it does seem that some do it more than others, and some not at all.

Ms. Sharapova does seem to be the ultimate at it.
turn the sound off as I do
As with all orgasms, who cares. :-)
Cheating? It's not even gamesmanship, dee. What happens on the practice courts and what happens on the playing courts are two different things. You don't give your all on the practice courts and leave nothing for the match. As has already been said, some do it (some much louder than others), some don't. And, yes, Sharapova is the main culprit but it didn't do her any good yesterday.
Turn the sound off, minty. What, even when your beloved is grunting his way to victory? :-)
"I believe that the players who grunt, of either gender, do it"

Females...SHRIEK....high pitched high decibel level.

Totally unnecessary and certainly intimidating and why should I have to turn the volume on the TV down?

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