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The Way

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Vagus | 11:23 Fri 01st Mar 2024 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers

We watched this film yesterday, on Amazon prime, with Martin Sheen and his son Emilio Estevez. It's about walking El Camino de Santiago but with a whole fictional story in it. We both loved it and highly recommend it if you're looking for something a bit different.



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Sandy Roe might be interested in this, he has walked the walk.  

Thanks Vagus.  We'll give that a try.

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I know wolf, I thought of him while we watched it, and all the places shown in the film which he would have seen. I followed Sandy's journey closely and enjoyed reading all about it.

I sent him a message.  He is probably obeying his new master's every command 🐈

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I wonder if Sandy saw the huge botafumerio in the cathedral at the end of his journey, it was gigantic and took about six clerics to hold and swing it.

I hope he gets your message wolf, and sees the film if he fancies it, would probably bring back lots of memories.

The film gives a good idea of what the Camino is like.

I did see the botofumiero.  It was supposed to mask the pong from pilgrims in former days.  Now it's swung at the end of the Mass.  I guess pilgrims now have more opportunities to keep clean and the air doesn't need to be perfumed.

It isn't in use every day but if anyone wants to pay a fee, about €400 now, I think, it will be used.

My daughter and her friend walked part of this a couple of years ago. She said it was hard going but amazing.  Must tell her about this film.

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You're very lucky to have experienced the whole pilgrim thing Sandy, from memory I think you made some good friends along the way too.

If your daughter does watch it, Maggie, I hope she enjoys it.

Id never heard of this pilgrimage until a few years ago, on a ferry back from Spain, I got talking to a lady who was on her way home after completing it. I find it all fascinating.


Vagus, have told my daughter about the film.  She and her friend intend doing the other half of the walk next year.  Thanks for the heads up.

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