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Best Mpg Hyundai Iqonic Hybrid 2021 Or Yaris Hybrid 2024

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nomorewars | 16:11 Sun 23rd Jun 2024 | Motoring
6 Answers

Im undecided which car to go for on mobility scheme, I need good MPG. I do not drive ever over 60mph maybe once week ill go fast but not much... Was also thinking of new Renault Clio hybrid... Off putting me is ive to put down advance payment £750 on yaris but the Clio is no advance payment plus they actually give you £750 new car payment.... Or is better to continue drive my 2021 hyundai iqonic which I'm getting around 60mpg.  Thanks



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Big advance payment on all of the Carollas
16:57 Sun 23rd Jun 2024

Do you own the Hyundai?

Toyota corolla. I've just got 69.8 out of mine today. 

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No the current car hyundai is a mobility car but they mite give me a decrease on it if I continue for a further 4 years, maybe 

If it's low mileage or has had lots of adaptions they may let you extend the lease for up to two years.  If you are eligible you will see it on your online account if you are within three months of the end of the lease.

At one time you would have had the option to buy it at a very favourable rate.  

Big advance payment on all of the Carollas

"Maybe once a week I'll go fast but not much". 

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Best Mpg Hyundai Iqonic Hybrid 2021 Or Yaris Hybrid 2024

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