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Another Terrorist Attack Unfolding

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Svejk | 23:51 Fri 15th Jan 2016 | News
12 Answers


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Let's hope this doesn't lead to a backlash against innocent Muslims, Svejk. The real danger posed to Western society is not Islam, but the ideology of people like Tommy Robinson.
00:11 Sat 16th Jan 2016
are there any christians in Burkina Faso ?

give a fundamentalist a gun and it seems they will shoot anything
Let's hope this doesn't lead to a backlash against innocent Muslims, Svejk. The real danger posed to Western society is not Islam, but the ideology of people like Tommy Robinson.
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I remember when it was, Douglas. ;-(
I wasn't sure who Douglas was saying unbelievable to actually.
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The world in general?
V-e's post. That Islam isn't a danger.
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I don't do irony; I leave that to the wife.
-- answer removed --
Burkina has a large Catholic population with its French connection.

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