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An Interesting Article, I'm Surprised It Wasn't Posted Earler....

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jackthehat | 12:41 Fri 06th Jul 2018 | News
68 Answers
It is certainly true that people become more conservative as they get older,
perhaps this article explains why...


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Be easier to pop it under your tongue.
I don't think it is true that people in general become more conservative as they get older. It may be true that they are less driven to change because they know what they like and don't like....for instance I know that I am never going to like football or cabbage.
I have seen the disinhibition thing in people due to stroke or traumatic brain damage. It takes many forms but I don't think that the person's views and character actually change....its more that they lose control of how they express it.
I think the fear of death thing is a load of old tonk.
I've actually found myself getting more liberal and tolerant as I've aged. The only people I struggle to tolerate these days are intolerant people ...
JTT, you excel yourself! quoting the "science" section of the mail! ROFL! What a load of old pony!
"It is certainly true that people become more conservative as they get older" - why isn't agent COB a Tory?
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Don't you know the difference between small and big 'c' conservatives, TGT?
Print gets smaller ;-)
Oh dear what a load of old rowlocks!

"Not quite gone they way that you expected JTH." on AOG......that is the surreptitious way that our JTH works.
I think people become more opinionated as they get older, I know my 80 year old Grandmother has VERY definite opinions about EVERYTHING ( all non racist and left win I might add), so perhaps those that do become more obviously racist do so not because they have changed exactly but because they no longer filter things in the way they might have done when younger.
Sqad, I do believe that you just psychoanalyzed JTH:)
Mamya @ 13:20 - "...she didn't make very old bones though."

I've never heard that before & thought it a lovely way to describe something so sad - I will remember it, thank you :-)

The article? Wibble.
"Don't you know the difference between small and big 'c' conservatives, TGT? " - I do, so Agent cob is a conservative then is he? right oh! Keep digging!
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Please get someone to explain to you what I wrote, not what you are reading....
Oh dear, spot on aog and Sqad.
must I explain it to you??
ok you say that "It is certainly true that people become more conservative as they get older"
at: 15: 37 I ask why agent COB is not a Tory
at 15:39 you ask if I know the difference between small c and Big C conservatives. well he's not a Big C is he so I can only assume that you believe he is a small c conservative, hence my post at 16:09. Please tell me what I have mis interpreted.
Print gets smaller, anger flourishes.
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I didn't say they became 'a' conservative, or 'a' Conservative, which would be a noun.....I said they become more conservative which is an adjective.

Did that help?
I doubt it Jack ;-)
you use the adjective in your initial post but the usage later is with nouns, however I accept your explanation, so agent cob is getting more conservative? Right?

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