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Why Nigel Farage Is Rejoining Frontline Politics

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naomi24 | 08:57 Tue 21st Aug 2018 | News
95 Answers

I'm looking forward to this. There's a man who tells it like it is!


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I don't care why I'm just glad he is. He'll get up the noses of so many people. I shall enjoy watching him liven things up.
jim;//Farage has found the glorious position of being a little league parent -- capable of shouting from the sidelines without having to do anything to back up his assertions.//

Watching the World Cup, it became clear that the most important person on the field wasn't any one of the players, but the referee.
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Jim, //capable of shouting from the sidelines without having to do anything to back up his assertions….. he'll never have to put any of it to the test personally.//

That’s a little bit disingenuous don’t you think? He stood for election so it’s not for want of trying. Now if we had a US style of government … ;o)
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LB, //He'll get up the noses of so many people.//

Indeed he will. He's their bogey man. ;o)

Sorry ...I'll get my coat. :o)
I don't think the referee is any comparison at all Khandro, as I'm sure you appreciate really.

Yeah, he did try, didn't he? Who knows why he didn't succeed...
//Who knows why he didn't succeed...//

Collusion by The Establishment?
//Yeah, he did try, didn't he? Who knows why he didn't succeed...//

Well I know..... It was because most of Conservative party, led by David Cameron and several cabinet members were so scared of him entering the house that they descended on South Thanet at the time of the 2015 elections and made sure every possible Con. voter voted. Nothing illegal in that, but it hasn't happened in any other such marginal seat on such a scale.
The Great British Break Off needs a change of personnel.
-- answer removed --
The swamp needs to be cleared.

Across ALL parties and The Establishment (which includes the judiciary, schools, uni's NHS, Police and civil servants).
Cleared of what?
The so called liberal elite, in other words those that have constantly ignored the will of the people for their own agenda.
As if you didnt know.
To make way for a worse one lol
You've been taking Yes Minister too seriously, my lad.
This is all so ludicrous I can hardly believe intelligent people can lap it up. ‘Liberal elite’ is such a lazy term. ‘Liberal’ of course is in balance a ‘nice’ word. It’s what fundamentalists and Commies aren’t. So tag the vaguely sinister ‘elite’ on the end for the desired effect.
"The liberal elite"

You want to replace them with nice right-wing elites then. Lovely.

What do you want to happen to the people who are cleared?
Come on Nigel - shake it all up a bit !
Yeah politics is so boring and uneventful now isn't it? :/

Honestly I think people gleefully urging him to "shake things up" ought to be careful what they wish for.

^ If you say so !

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