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Trump's Impeachment

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Samuraisan | 11:09 Sun 10th Jan 2021 | News
82 Answers
Why are they bothering when he's leaving in 10 days anyway ? If they do, would he still be called Mr.President with all the security etc. after he leaves as other ex presidents are ?


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I provided a link that a pipe bomb was discovered in the Capitol complex:

That was in addition to the two pipe bombs planted next to the Republican and Democrat buildings, outside the complex and nearby.

Interesting that both buildings were targeted.
As far as I'm aware, the link to Antifa is utterly fraudulent, based on false reporting that was debunked even on the day.

This wasn't a false flag, and in a way it's insulting to those who've passionately believed in Trump to say that they didn't feel motivated themselves to act on it.

" It can be seen protruding behind him at about 22 seconds.........."

It does not mention guns in the entire video. You claim you see a gun.

"Several members of Antifa have been identified amongst the people who went inside."

Who identified them and where did you get that information from ?
Tell me that what is protruding from behind the man at 22 secs isn't a barrel with a muzzle brake on...
Paigntonian - // I don't believe that Trump is a fascist ... //

Nor do I - his proudly advertised aversion to anything approaching even a basic grasp of history means that it is highly unlikely that he even begins to understand what the term means.
Barnett had an AR-15 rifle with him "to make sure things stay peaceful," Mr Parsons said. He called Barnett "a good guy. He's patriotic."
shoota - // Mr Parsons said. He called Barnett "a good guy. He's patriotic." //

This speaks to the garbage trotted out by the NRA about 'the only solution to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun ...'.

The unspoken assumption of course is that this means paid-up NRA members whose membership automatically absolves them from any action with their guns that could be construed as inappropriate.

It does rather lean heavily on the seriously dubious notion that any guy with a gun may not be, or remain a 'good guy' for very long if the circumstances dictate that his 'good guy' persona means shooting complete strangers dead.
At 22 secs he is standing in a field.

Selective editing, eh shoota. Here is in its genuine context:

"Jim Parsons, a retired Army lieutenant colonel who served in Vietnam as a Green Beret, told The Associated Press that he has been a guest speaker at a couple of "patriotic gatherings" that Barnett also attended.

Barnett had an AR-15 rifle with him "to make sure things stay peaceful," Mr Parsons said. He called Barnett "a good guy. He's patriotic."

Fake views, fake nous,,, I'm tellin' PP on ye
What are you claiming is fake?

That he took an AR-15 along
That he took it into the building
"What are you claiming is fake? "

@ 21:51 Sun 10th Jan 2021 and @ 21:54 Sun 10th Jan 2021
Sorry, can you be a bit clearer?

Are you saying it's fake that that Barnett took an AR-15 to the demonstration?

If not, are you saying it's fake that he took that AR-15 into the Capitol building?
suppose event A occurs but B is not a witness

a fake news on going situation occurs when B gives interviews where B described being there and seeing and witnessing event A
B is not a truthful witness to A.
^^ Yes, read shoota's two posts I pointed you too.


As Ellipsis says, it's the right thing to do. The timing is just what it is. If they can't get it done in time, fair enough, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try.
> Yes, read shoota's two posts I pointed you too.


shoota @ 21:51> Tell me that what is protruding from behind the man at 22 secs isn't a barrel with a muzzle brake on...

I can't tell that. The photo is from the rally - you can see the Washington Monument in the background. Shoota is a gun expert, I am not. The quote "Barnett had an AR-15 rifle with him 'to make sure things stay peaceful'", that you repeated, certainly seems to back up the fact that he had an assault rifle with him at the rally, and Shoota reckons the photo shows it. It's Shoota's opinion as a gun expert. I don't see why you'd call that "fake".
Ellipsis, Shoota posted, "The man who went into Pelosi's office had an assault rifle with him. It can be seen protruding behind him at about 22 seconds in also when he is lounging in her chair the skeleton butt can be seen at his left waist." along with the video. @ 21:31 Sun 10th Jan 2021
The question is whether he had the gun in Pelosi's office, sitting in the chair with his feet up @ 21:31 Sun 10th Jan 2021
Aha, got you.

Well he either still had the AR-15 with him when he went into the Capitol building, or he left it somewhere else, maybe with somebody else. Whatever, he failed to make sure things stayed peaceful!
Many seem to be falling into the trap set by Trump. Stop making excuses for him. There is no conspiracy against him. He needs to go.
You're not wrong Paignton but what is about to replace him will cause serious problems in America if not outright civil war.
"Stop making excuses for him."

Who that?

Many seem to be falling into the trap set FOR Trump, some claim.

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