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Chipchopper | 20:44 Sun 07th May 2017 | Jokes
6 Answers
A man and his dog, walk into a French bar.
The man says to the inn keeper: I'd like a glass of your finest Burgandy and a Beaune for dog.


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where in France is Burgandy? Or is that Burgundy with lemonade in it....?
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Obviously the French language wasn't his strong point, dt.
then I would have expected,

Un homme et son chien entrent dans un bar français.
L'homme dit à l'aubergiste: «j'aimerais un verre de votre plus belle Bourgogne et un Beaune pour un chien»
French not your strong point then, DTC.
Nah, jokes aren't......I'd rather have the Beaune. Hic.

Thought you had! ;o)

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