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Rondy | 14:57 Thu 07th Mar 2024 | Jokes
2 Answers

If I had 50p for every maths exam I've failed,
I'd have £3.74 now.


I can put up with most things from my work-mates; but stealing my digestives?
That just takes the biscuit.


I was in a lift when this fella came in and bet me £10 that I didn’t know how to operate it.
So I took him up on it.


New korean car on the market but they have been trouble with it,it keeps going one way then another
and doing u turns unexpectedly,its the Kia starmer.


I left the kids at home and took my wife for a walk down by the bends in the river.
No one else, just meander.


You always hear that the most dangerous job in the world is bomb disposal expert.
And yet you never hear a mention of the bomb disposal amateur.





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😂  Good.

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