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Rondy | 11:59 Tue 21st May 2024 | Jokes
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A couple, Dave and Mabel, were staying at the Grand Hotel Llandudno -- fourth floor.
Dave calls the Hotel Manager "Come up quick. we've been arguing and Mabel wants to throw herself out of the window."
The manager replied "Sir, this is a personal matter, I can call sec....."
Dave interrupts "No, this is a maintenance issue -- The window won't open"


There's a nudist convention at our local town hall next week.
Might go if l've nothing on.


The person who invented the Ferris wheel never met the person who invented the merry go round.
They travelled in different circles.


Is anybody interested in a ride in a helicopter?
I need one person to accompany me next Sunday morning.
Departing from Hawarden Airport we will pass over Conwy Falls, along the Conwy River then down to Dolwyddelen and its ancient castles before heading north to Capel Curig. We’ll then head back to the Conwy River and Llanrwst, flying over Swallow Falls - the highest continuous waterfall in Wales - before returning to Hawarden Airport.
If anyone is interested, please message me!
Preferably someone with a helicopter, otherwise we can't go.


I’ve just been reading a book about the man who invented superglue, I couldn’t put it down.


Paddy in Wetherspoons.
How much is a pint?
It's £2.50 or £7 for a pitcher.
Stuff the photograph! Here's £2.50 for the pint.


I dropped a tenner yesterday and chased it for miles.
I never caught it but at least l had a good run for my money.




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