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Rondy | 16:17 Wed 12th Jun 2024 | Jokes
3 Answers

My mate is an opera singer and it’s his birthday soon.
But, what can you get for a tenor these days?


Here's a thought, Why don't we replace Border Force
with a GP Receptionist
& then lets see who gets in.


"Mum I'm off out now"
"You're not leaving this house until you've changed that miniskirt."
"Because I can see your balls Richard."


My mate is getting so upset because he says everyone is talking behind his back at work. I had to remind him, he's a bus driver.


An ice cream van has caught fire on the M56. The area is surrounded with cones.


Paddy strolls into work and the boss says: "You're over three hours late."
"I know I am ." says Paddy. "I came out of my house and the car wouldn't start, so I walked to my friend Murphy's house and he gave me a lift to work."
"But you live less than a mile from here," shouts his boss.
"I know I do," says Paddy. "But Murphy doesn't."




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😄 Send the second one to Rishi.

You are even re-posting your jokes as well other peoples.

The one about Border Control was posted on Monday, you don't wait until people may have forgotten them.

Yeh but they say the old ones are the best.

Man in court, found guilty. Judge says "do you have anything to say before I pass sentence?" The man says "f...all yer 'onour" Judge turns to the clerk and says, "What did he just say?" The clerk says, "He said, f...all yer 'onour". The judge says, "I could have sworn he said something"

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