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Classic book title

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tpw536w | 15:35 Tue 21st Nov 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Cryptic clues to book titles
1)Done assemble furniture or crack nuts - even to torture (3,4,2,3,5)
2)Go back to see the top of the newly married woman (10, 9)
3)About mankind in captivity (2,5,7)
4)Could be unlucky 13th letter mum! (4)
5) Weep for the place you care about (3,3,7,7)

Thanks for any help


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1) The turn of the screw
5 Cry the beloved country
2 Brideshead revisited
2. Brideshead Revisited
3. On Human Bondage
4 Emma
Question Author
Thanks so much for them everyone
3. Of Human Bondage ( nb 'of' - not 'on' ! )

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Classic book title

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