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Dee Sa | 17:27 Mon 26th Sep 2011 | Computers
6 Answers
firstly let me explain I am73 years young, have all my marbles but no nowt about computers ........
I keep getting a pop up from PC POWER SPEED it states .... Warning YOUR SYSTEM REGISTRY contains errors. REGISTRY ERRORS FOUND 754. We recommend removing errors by clicking on REMOVE NOW BUTTON.
should I ignore them or what, I have not subscribed to this site and its worrying me a bit because it pops up everytime I switch on. Advice pls.


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Sounds like you have some adware or malware. (Unless you keep visiting that site and it is causing it.)

Download & rRun some checking software such as Malwarebytes.
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thank you OG how do I do that pls ? I have looked in my two "bibles" 1] Reader Digest how to do just about everything on a computer and 2] Simplified Windows XP but no referrals to malware.
You can get Malwarebytes free from here,

Download and install it. Re-start your computer in Safe Mode and then run Malwarebytes on a full scan.
This should find any problems you have and you can then delete them.
↑ agree with both.

Preferably run a full scan in safe mode.
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thank you SAlice
Dont believe ANY piece of software that says you have loads of errors and then wants to charge you £29.99 (or whatever) to fix them.

These are all scams to get unwary people to part with their money.

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