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Jaimsieboy | 18:55 Sat 21st Jul 2012 | Technology
11 Answers
Does anybody know a CHEAP way of getting SKY H.D. ?


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What do you have at the moment?

No Sky at all?

Normal Sky but you want to move to HD?

Or what?

And what do you call "cheap" (or are you looking for a "free" way to do it).

I wish people would give a bit more info when asking questions.
Question Author
I currently have a Skyplus Box and I would like to upgrade to HD
I phoned up Sky and they wanted £10.25 on top of what I pay for for my viewing package from them but I can't afford this extra £10.25.
Any tips/advice really help and thanks.
(Sorry about the lack of info)
They are offering three months free at the moment, well I got that deal the other day.
-- answer removed --
The 3 months free deal when joining/upgrading to Sky HD expired 4 days ago (17th Juky).
Well looks like I got in just in time then.
Question Author
Thanks to all esp. tabathagiz for your comments about 32" TV ... J/Boy
HD with Sky costs £10 ish a month with their box...I,ve got a 42" HD telly and refuse to pay them any more money,so can't get Sky HD. I CAN get BBC HD but don't bother to use it half the time as there is virtually no difference....I will say ,however that watching football the pic is slightly sharper,but then again nothing to bother about...John
I got a deal with the first six months free, but they have charged me full whack for the last three months and it is proving difficult to get the money back. We are just one or two calls away from my intimating to Sky that they should "go forth and multiply".
>>>>I upgraged to HD with a 32 in tv .I can honestly say it was not worth it.

I have a 32inch TV and can easily see the difference with HD (and it is only a 720p TV.

Do you have it connected with a HDMI cable?
Surely if anything HD would look better on a smaller screen ?!
720p across 32" will be sharper than 720p across 42" for example.

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