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Prog Or App To Check Broadband

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chrissa1 | 15:00 Thu 24th Oct 2013 | Technology
14 Answers
Is there a programme or an app for an IPad to check to see if my wifi is being used by anyone else? Thanks.


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I can't find one chrissa. If you have a PC or a laptop you could try this:

Log in to your router by typing it’s IP address directly into the browser address bar. In most setups, either or should work, or it may be written on the router itself, along with the username and password you need to log in with. If you can’t find a password anywhere, and don’t remember changing it, then check the database of default passwords here, or phone your ISP (assuming they gave you the device).
Once logged in, look around a section called Attached Devices or Device List. This should be under the 'Status' -> Wireless screen. You will find a list of all the IP addresses currently being used.
Question Author
Thanks again, Zacs. I'll try that.
I got my new btinternet address by the way. Cheers.
Try this, presuming your line is with BT,
^ ignore that. I thought it was speed you were concerned about, Sorry.
Googling for 'how to find out if others are using my wifi' brings up several links on the subject. This one shows you a very simple check to see if anyone else is currently using your wifi...
Note to self...I WILL include links in future...

someone is using yours heathfield. They've nicked your link!
You should be able to do as Zacs suggests right from the browser (Safari or the like) on your iPad
never thought of that Fitzer. DOH!
Naah. Comes with age, Zacs.
I know, I'm there! I was being a bit hypocritical really.
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Blimey!! You go to the shops and come back to all these answers. Thanks, guys.
Just to add to the first answer from Zacs - you can only log into your router's settings if you're connected to it via cable, so that won't work from an Ipad unfortunately.
That's not true, Aquariel. Well, it might be for you as I don't know your internet supplier or system, but I have always been able to connect to my router settings via wifi.

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