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bazwillrun | 11:38 Mon 22nd Feb 2016 | News
8 Answers

"politically neutral" !!...based on what Ive read, be amazed if this rag lasts a whole year...


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Traditionally, no newspaper has been politically neutral, and I wonder if the paper is aiming less for the politically 'neutral', than the 'indifferent'.

It's a brave move to launch a paper in the current climate of the demise of print media, but they will have cone their research, and believe they have a chance.

It will take a year to get accurate results of readership - we will see then.
politically neutral?? they're having a turkish! Like the Indie then! Right Oh!
'without telling readers what to think'...

Any words are impressionable. All stories cannot be balanced. There will not be an 'Opinion' column then!
I guess you'll just have to buy it daily for a few weeks -- or even months -- to see if it's as politically neutral as it claims, and is able to maintain that stance?
Could be more dangerous to read. Do not think[i just [i]believe]
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"but they will have cone their research," they did with LiveTV, The Independent , The European...
I think they will find that hard to maintain.

And just what is their definition of Politically neutral?
This is coming up quite a lot leading up to The Referendum

Priddy gurl on sky said to Boris' father:
well you arent independent because you are for the EU ....

( and I have to say as a politician he made more pro-EU capital out of that damned fool comment )

and I thought ( prone to thoughts I am ) - well Boris isnt independent as he is against the EU - which leaves the only independents as - Dont knows and THAT cant be right....

[ I am independent because I dont know - nope doesnt work at all ]

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