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Tablet Or Ipad

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whistonian | 13:41 Wed 08th Aug 2018 | Technology
15 Answers
Thinking of treating myself to a tablet.however cannot make up my mind whether to get an Android Tablet or Ipad,Their specifications seem similar,What is the basic difference between them? Price range 2-300 pounds.


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like everyone else who answers this, I am biased! I prefer android over apple tish but that's just me!
thsi seems to be written in the language of AB spammers but it might help, and it's recent
apple products are over priced and hyped, if you have an iphone you can link it to ipad, but you can also do the same if you have an android phone, if you go android tablet get at least 32gb ram one.
I had both devices. To be honest I had much more fun with Android tablet. I am not very technical guy on this but what I felt about iPad is the device itself and App Store is very limited. You don't have the full control of the device and such. Android is like freedom to me when it's compared to iOS.
Trallan, makes a good points, i like android because i can root them
ie remove restrictions and change its operating system with custom made roms that have less bloatware and run smoother and look better
in my opinion, i just like to tinker, and google play store has many many free apps unlike apple, and cheap apps as well.
I've always had Android tabs and wouldn't change to an Ipad.
Not very helpful I know but don’t let Apple pretend an iPad isn’t a tablet.
You can still offend Mac users today by calling their computer a PC :-)
I prefer iPad anytime especially as no virus problems unlike androids. Also I like messenger and FaceTime ... It's just personal choice and as you asked I've given my opinion. Hope you get whatever suits you best. I feel tablets definitely the way to go. Best of luck.
Have to say I love my iPad.
viruses mmm only rogue apps..but Google is already providing you with one that is pre-installed: go to "Play Store", then click on menu in left corner, find "Play Protect" section from the drop-down list and enable all settings for it. It's not as good as other antimalware apps in terms of detection.
About the only thing that hasn't been said is that the memory of an iPad cannot be expanded - a Tablet might have a slot to take a micro SD card, which could expand the memory up to 400GB.

If you were wanting to share photos with someone then it would be far easier to use the Tablet (If you have a micro SD card adapter, which would then fit in a card reader), rather than the iPad.
my tablet keeps crashing whereas the ipad & iphone keep going reliably
I thought an SD card was only disk space not memory.
These days with the cloud and internet/WiFi its much easier to share stuff without fiddling about with disks. A card reader port is useful tho I give it that ..
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Thanks everyone for your excellent replies,all very informative,now it's time for me to make a decision.

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Tablet Or Ipad

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