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How To Change Files In Documents - Help Please!

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moggie 939 | 09:58 Thu 02nd Jul 2020 | Technology
5 Answers
Since transferring 'my docs' to my new laptop I can not open some as they show as eml files.
My default on the laptop is Open Office (Apache) and any new files I put in docs open in this.

But i cannot change these eml files. If I go into properties on one of them and click 'change' it still does not offer me Apache in the drop down list. What have I done wrong?

My photos are opening ok in Windows Viewer so no robs there

Thank you


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How did you transfer your documents to your new laptop? I sounds like you emailed them and they've ended up in email format. If you still have your old computer you re-copy them to your new one via a memory stick or similar.
Question Author
No - I did copy them via a memory stick! So this is an email format is it? Don't know how that happened as I have GMail set up for all my emails
If you've ever saved an email to the laptop, it is saved as .eml

If I do it & right-click the saved file then hover on "Open with", I'm given the options of "Mail" & "Outlook" to view it.

I've never used Gmail, but would think that might be in that "Open with" list?

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Just to follow up on my question and your help. I was still struggling to open the eml files even though I transferred them again from my old Acer - then I had an epiphany moment!
On the old laptop I use both GMail and earlier Thunderbird and when I looked the eml files where saved in Thunderbird.
On my new Acer I only use GMail for my emails - so I installed Thunderbird and left it in the background and eureka all my old eml files now open in Thunderbird.
Well done moggie, glad you're sorted :-)

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How To Change Files In Documents - Help Please!

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