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jwatts1981 | 04:28 Thu 08th Jul 2021 | Sport
18 Answers
How can an ex tennis champion be in trouble for calling a woman pretty i got confused with that article can someone explain that


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You got a link to the story or even a name of the ex player ?
I think it's this

It seems like an overreaction to me. It's not as if he insulted her. It just stemmed from a bit of a "Dad joke" about a tennis player's partner being named "Anett".
the usual stupid people taking offence, before you posted mozz i had a bet that it would be Becker. I can't understand this at all, there are more things to worry over than a light hearted remark by a former tennis player.
It's not his job to make personal comments about spectators. Becker is a sleaze anyway and I would prefer he didn't work for the BBC in any capacity
Much ado about nothing, as someone once said.
that's uncanny, i thought exactly the same as Boris when I saw her
Just another outing for the "Let's watch TV and see what we can be offended about" brigade. Best ignored.
why is he a sleaze? - he is a good commentator and as ex champion knows his stuff. I like him, and if he said she was pretty, well so what....
would you let your daughter get into a broom cupboard with this man...
My daughters are all old enough to decide for themselves who they step into a broom cupboard with.
Barry, why is he a 'sleaze'?
crikey, will no one forget that, let the man be in peace.
And avoiding paying huge debts after being made bankrupt, hiding his money and assets.
Not somebody I would trust with my money or my daughter
It's not that he had sex with a stranger in a broom cupboard, it was the lengths he went to to deny paternity of her child. He came up with some fantastical excuses to dodge his responsibilities, even claiming she had stolen his sperm.
yup. Not exactly a champion off the court.
//...he is a good commentator//

We must be listening to a different Boris Becker, emmie. I wouldn't know whether his comments are sound or not because he is largely unintelligible. Couple this with the fact that many tennis commentators (and Andrew Castle is among the worst culprits) do not commentate but reminisce about their past exploits, with most of that being done when the crowd is shouting and screaming, and their efforts (such as they are) are a complete waste of time and money. When Becker and Castle get together they might as well be in the pub or at a dinner party, having a chat about their playing days. Meanwhile, things that the cameras didn't catch, such as a line call that you didn't hear, go unreported whilst they discuss what went on in the locker room in 1985. Watching tennis is far more pleasant with the sound muted.
gawd elp us you can't compliment a bird these days!
I like McEnroe commentating, very knowledgeable and sounds a thousand miles away from his "YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS" days!
Of course you can, although probably not by calling them a "bird". But there's a time and a place, and it's not obvious to me that commentating during a tennis match is either. I don't think an angry outcry is proportionate, but, still.

Also, it stands to reason that if you get into the habit of loudly and publicly commenting on women's appearances, then people are going to draw conclusions when you do not, which if anything becomes even more insulting.

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