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Oh My Lord

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Bazile | 17:23 Mon 12th Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Just returned from hospital .

While there ,they were attempting to unblock a sewer pipe on the floor above one of the treatment rooms .

Yes , you guessed, it burst sending sewage through the ceiling into the treatment room below .

Unfortunately some of it caught a patient

Even after being cleaned up i would still spend a couple of hours under the shower ,when i got home .

What a horrible experience it must have been for the lady in question



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Absolutely gross!

I recall when I was at Glastonbury one year there was a nasty incident at the Dance Area.

It's a large open space with a number of marquees with Dance DJ's playing sets throughout the days and nights.

As usual, one of the small bowsers arrived that empty the liquid effluent from the portaloos around the site.

Unfortunately the operative, who may have been new, set the hose to 'blow' instead of 'suck' and several hundred dancers were drenched from head to foot in liquid sewage.

Not a nice way to enhance your festival experience!!
when I swum darn da Ir - well it was for charity,
and the smell takes a few days to dissipate
according to the residents of Pylle and Pilton, they just go in the gardens!
I heard that parts of the NHS were turning into a shower of *** but I didn't think they meant literally ...
drenched in someone else's poo
it bad enough when it is your own
( yeah had an icky tummy over the week end)
Not nice. I hope she had good treatment from the hospital.
It can't be at all bad, the Private Water Companies pump untreated sewage into our rivers and seas every day, fully endorsed by our lovely Government.
Nurse! Compensation! For the trauma!

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Oh My Lord

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