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Bazile | 15:30 Sat 24th Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I need one to re in-state a sealed up fireplace

Otherwise Santa might skip my house and not leave me any presents


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That's serious Baz.
No matter, Santa wears big black boots.
He'll boot through that in no time.

Just expect some noise around 3am. ;o)
don't you believe it...

Well he still surprised you .
Question Author
//Just expect some noise around 3am. ;o//

There's always noise at 3am TB:-)
Just leave a window open he will find you... He can park the sleigh in the street instead of On the roof. I leave their carrots on the balcony, seems to work ok.
He'll squeeze in through the cat flap!
Strange ... A man in a disguise is known to creep into children's bedrooms and give them gifts.... Are the police aware?

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