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For Vagus

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choux | 09:36 Tue 31st Jan 2023 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
Hope all goes well with your consultation today. Don't know how I missed it yesterday, sorry friend xx


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Oh choux, no need for apologies, you’re very kind x
All was ok, a blood test booked for this week just to keep an eye on things.
How did your OHs telephone appointment go yesterday? I guess he has ongoing treatment from what you’ve said, briefly, on here. Hope he’s doing ok now he has your home cooking to tempt his appetite and perk him up.
Hope you’re doing ok too..who cares for the carer? Look after yourself too.
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Glad it was ok for you Vagus, always good to read. x

"We" had 3 phone calls this week:
1) Locum GP for 32 minutes where I had a frank discussion with him (politest way I can put it) but I did get more meds agreed - I have to pick them up today.
2) Co-ordinator for an operation at a new hospital, some 50 miles away. He was a wonderful person to deal with, kind and very understanding, has given us a further 6 weeks for recovery from last hospital admission.
3) Consultant for the cancer - brilliant lady who is also very kind, attentive and understanding. Couldn't ask for anyone better.

All in all it has been busy but I am pleased with the results achieved.
I have good support from my closest friends which keeps me going through the hard times - one should never under-estimate good friends, bless 'em all :)
That’s great, choux, that you’re happy with OHs ongoing treatment plan.
‘Frank’ discussions with some doctors are the only way to go at times, and I think once the doctor gets a handle on who they’re speaking to and the level of intelligence and understanding of that person, then it should become less of a battle. Hoorah for choux!! ;)
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Or - Not that choux again!


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