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Oh Yes He Will!

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douglas9401 | 22:38 Wed 05th Jun 2024 | News
12 Answers


He seems divorced from the reality of politics, especially in the pretendy parliaments.



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Options are surely few after losing a vote of no confidence.  Regardless what the situation is; as I've taken no interest in this particular issue.

How any of those Labour politicians in Wales who have destroyed the NHS there can carry on is beyond me.

It's a crying shame.

I blame Tony Blair 

// Off sick //

Pmsl. Not too popular with his own mps then.

symptom of wales, they keep voting in labour, hoping for some socialist utopia, whole estates where generations have never worked or are willing to, you would think with the alcohol tax that was levied on them, thye would have got a clue.

Clinging desperatly to the last vestiges of power.

Will be gone soon.

"Will be gone soon."

But only to be replaced by somebody else to lead the devolved "government".

It is devolution (in all three provinces) which needs to be gone.

It's behind you, it's behind you!

Gething: what, what's behind me?

Entire panto audience: your career as first minister.

I couldnt agree more NJ.

Blame Bloiar.

Devolution has been a disaster, how much longer are the Welsh and Scots going to put up with School prefect "politicians" bossing them about? Sweep the whole sorry mess of manure away.

I agree, get rid of  devolution instead of increasing  the number of  AMs or whatever they're called now.

Those in the valleys will continue to vote Labour because their parents, grandparents and great grandparents did.

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