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Weird Reaction In My Neck.

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joko | 15:49 Fri 07th Jun 2024 | Body & Soul
4 Answers

yesterday i lost my temper with something & pulled a face and sort of growled at it, as i did so, i felt something small in the side of my neck sort of 'pop'.
Not an audible noise, but its hard to describe, i felt something like a force 'come to a head' ... then relax and a feeling of heat, 'flowed' almost like very warm liquid or air, for just an inch or so, for just a second ... then it all just dissipated, gone, no pain, no weird feeling, nothing, i felt fine, as I do now.

The ONLY thing that ive noticed feels different, is the weird, painful 'catch' or 'pull' i get in my neck sometimes.
I have hypermobility & have a bent neck, which aches like mad, twinges all down my arm at the slightest movement &, cant turn my head much & is a weird horrible tightness that i cannot relieve.
My neck clicks a lot, on its own or by me, because my head feels 'stuck' if i dont.
I try to be careful & limit it, but this catch  makes me want to stretch and pull on the muscles etc.

So, what was this, & how/why did it relieve the catch that i have almost all the time, to varying degrees.

Has the thing that causes this catch been 'moved' or released or something, & now its solved?
Or is it just a temporary release?

Thanks :)
(NB: neck was scanned about 4-5 years ago & although it was tight, a weird bend etc & although it was not good & i was told never to allow anyone else to manipulate it, they were satified it didnt need any other treatment)



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i did this a few months back, i sneezed and something popped in my neck, i used a hot water bottle just to ease the discomfort, i still get the ocassional twinge, the only thing i can say is that it just takes time and it will get better, i did apply Ibuleve and that did help. Good luck.

Maybe a small pocket of synovial fluid from one of the joints, if it was causing pain due to pressure then if it doesn't refill its a bonus.  More likely that it will.  Or a small cyst... If it hurts less then enjoy the relief.

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thanks all

saintpeter - thanks but there is no pain whatsoever!
you obviously stopped reading early on.
but the fact there is no pain is the reason im posting - because the effect has been good & i am stunned & wondering what happened & why this totally alleviated it.

Im curious because obviously if the pain & tightness return I am going to want to try to recreate this - but obviously i dont really know how, why or what it was.

Im reluctant to just sit around getting angry at stuff & hoping it happens again, because I have also had other various twinges & cricks etc before that usually end up as painful & long lasting.

one made me scream out loud & grab my neck in agony, the neck pain calmed to just an ache but I was really ill for about 2 days with a sort of all over 'body shock'  type of thing, whole body felt like it'd been bruised - it was extremely weird.

Rowanwitch - yes i wondered that too - the fact the pain & major uncomfort & ache etc was especially annoying because every time i looked to the left a huge twang went down my arm to my hand, so a nerve was caught & being damaged etc every movement.

Last year I had a proper pinched nerve in my neck that slowly spread all across my arm & shoulder & was like burning & scraping across my skin down my arm - it was the worst pain i have ever had - & it lasted about a week & i lost all strength in my arm, couldnt pick even a full cup up safely.
morphine couldnt touch it, only amitryptaline began to lift it.
So as you can imagine i dont want to trigger that again!

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