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When You Wake Up In The Morning

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Hazlinny | 11:05 Thu 27th Jun 2024 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

What are your first thoughts when you wake up in the morning?
Are they about meal prep for the day, work/housework,  social occasions, health, appearance or something else?  Just a bit of light-hearted trivia ๐Ÿ˜Š



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Sometimes my first thoughts are;Aw, it was just a dream๐Ÿ˜žor;Phew, it was just a dreamย ๐Ÿ˜…
13:08 Thu 27th Jun 2024

I've always dreaded the mornings, I'm more of a night crow. 

So when I wake up, either by alarm if I'm working, or wake up naturally on my days off, either way I dread having to leave my bed.


Even as a child my poor Mum had a nightmare getting me out of bed and eat breakfast to go to school, especially as I don't have an appetite when I wake up, so I was more or less force fed my breakfast. 

Even now at 55 I don't eat breakfast, I just have a coffee, and eat dinner, which by then I enjoy. 


They say there are 2 types of person, there's a morning person and the type that likes to stay up late. 

My next door neighbour who is in her 70's wakes up 5am every morning without fail, she said I would have to be ill if I stayed in bed after 5am.

Only problem with that as a neighbor sometimes I can hear her put the washing machine on and banging about, and it occasionally wakes me up. It's like she's saying we'll I'm up, everyone is up. 


Not sure if it's in someone's genes or dna, but what determines if someone prefers to wake early or desires to stay up late? 

When I wake up in the morning, my first thought is always "I'm gonna kill that ruddy cat for waking me up at stupid-o-clock yet again!" 

(My second thought though is always "You're a beautiful cat and I love you really!")

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15.08/ I think it's a mood thing - sometimes I stay up quite late 
yet another time I decide to have an early night.  Depends how the day has gone ๐Ÿ˜Š

Funnily enough, my first thought is normally cat related, but it is along the lines of "which one is next to my feet?".  This is because one of them activates full on "attack, kill, kill, kill mode" if my foot moves a millimetre and it HURTS.

-- answer removed --

"Here we go again..."

OH, like  dustypuss, thinks 'Still here, good, another day'.  Me, I suffer from major depressive dips overnight and my usual thought is 'Good, it'll go now I'm awake and getting-up'.

I check my little dog is still alive as we are both old.  He looks quite relieved when he sees me move.  Then I open the blind enough to check the weather and if it's OK let the mutt out into the garden.  While he's sniffing and cocking his leg up everywhere he knows a fox has been, I'm already on my laptop seeing what's happening here and eventually I will make a cup of tea and a slice of toast.

Further to my earlier post;


As the man chased me through the streets

I saw him reach for his gun

But my lungs were fit to bursting

No faster could i run

He was much younger and much fitter than me

He was quickly gaining ground

I turned a corner and hid behind a car

Trying not to make a sound

But my laboured breathing gave me away

And drew him to my lair

Just as he pulled the trigger,  i awoke

"Phew, it was just another 'mare."


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When You Wake Up In The Morning

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