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am i old?

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bambiboo78 | 16:53 Thu 16th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
is 28 old?

am i still considered a young woman or not?


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It's all relative - I'm 52, so yes, you are young - younger than both my oldest daughters, but to my teenage daughter who is seventeen, you probably seem ancient!
I'm 33 and I'm not old.

Just hang round with older people and you'll feel young
andy hughes. I had a picture of you in my head and I had you at about 30
Question Author
lol ummmm good idea!
If you are I am hon as I'm 28 too!!!

On my birthday last Friday my secretary who is only about asked me how old I was. I told her and she said "that's ancient"!!!

She did later e.mail me an said she supposed it's not really that ancient and that she supposed I could still get away with mid twenties!
I am 17 to and yes you are old.
At 17 russian......child birth is ten times worse than say...18
It depends which way you are looking at 28 from
Below- it's old
Beyond-It's young
Question Author
surprised you were allowed to be artificially seminated at 17 russian, usually a minimum age limit , hmmmm
Yer in yer 20's is that old?? I am nearly 33 and I feel as young as and your age is what you make it!!!
I'm 28 and I'd consider myself more a lady than a young woman
Sorry if I've shattered any illusions there ummmm - I am off to interview Bring Me The Horizon in a minute, and I will be jumping up and down with all the metal-heads, so I guess age is a matter of perspective. In my head I'm about 19!
I hope your not old I'm 27 and wouldd hate to think that I'm old. If im as old as the bloke I feel I 'm 37 help its getting worse
Im 28 too, and I think of myself as young. I think I'm a girl but really I'm not - i.e. when, for example, people say 'Move out of that lady's way'. Me, a lady??
No way.

And take no notice ot the may be 17 (or 18/19/21 in some posts) but has the brain of a 2 year old.

I am nearly 39 and my teenage kids say I am not old. When I asked them how old was old they replied ''100''.

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