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How do you start a political party?

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Joe_the_Lion | 15:52 Mon 07th May 2007 | News
23 Answers
If I had a manifesto, how do I go about creating a political party and/or a local council?



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Not bad Joe, I agree with 4 of your points, perhaps 1 other but I wouldn't make it compulsory for everyone. The rest are blatently inspired by the bastian of unbiased reporting of current affairs that is owned by the Rupert Murdoch empire, a completely non-onesided and unbiased newspaper shifter!
Hey, Joe, why do some people call you Wardy? Are they personal mates of yours who know your real identity? Just curious.
I was going to make a sarcastic reply along the lines of "If you have to ask don't bother"but you have actually posed a very interesting question.
From reading the various sites on the AB I have come to the conclusion that I am living on a totally different planet to the "Whingers" and the "World owes me a living brigade."
I am now retired and I am having an immensly enjoyable time of it.

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How do you start a political party?

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