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Gee ho

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triciaath | 21:33 Tue 21st Sep 2004 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
A Utah man drives a wagon 30 feet across the flats. He yells "Gee ho!" and then drives the wagon 30 feet. He yells "Haw!" and then drives the wagon 10 feet. He yells "Whoa!" How far is the man from where he started?


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He stands still and makes the noises that the horse or mule obey. So he has not moved. Or if he drove 30 feet forward then 30 feet at a different angle the last move could take hime back to where he started, (like a triangular movement).
think you need to plan a trip to utah
15 feet
its a trig. question

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Gee ho

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