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Recognizing a stroke.

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raysparx1 | 14:55 Sat 23rd Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I know most of you will know this, but for those who don't
it is simple

1 Ask The person to Smile.

2 Ask him/her to RAISE BOTH ARMS

3 Ask the person to Speak a simple sentence,(coherently) ie: it is sunny out today

If they have trouble with any of the above dial 999


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My God I must have had one last night, or maybe I was just pi55ed.
such simple tasks can say so much eh

hey Doc, where have your daily tonics gone?
Question Author
Was that cos you couldn't talk properly Doc, ? probably was just P!ssed I would think. :-)
Working on them , been a bit busy ( or pi55ed)

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Recognizing a stroke.

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