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Connemmara | 18:54 Wed 15th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Can anybody tell me if this is correct. I have sky already in but if you ring them up and ask for sky+ it costs �150 but if you go online you can buy it for �99 - however when you come to shopping basket - they charge you �60 for installation making it �159. Anybody tell me if you just get the box can you install it yourself. thanks


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buy one in 40 minutes for 40 quid

dth ?

oh plus a tenner delivery
unless you can find one in your area N-SKY-REPLACE-YOUR-OLD-BOX_W0QQitemZ2503079532 41QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item250307953241&_trkpar ms=72%3A1300%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240 %3A1308&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

130 quid for brand new syatem

looks like a decent deal

apparently ity says as long as youre a sky user with a package then theres no charge

sugst contacting them to check.
oops extra tenner for a new lnb


id contact them
Couple of offers around at the minute
Problem with the above is you are going to have to buy a quad LNB (the bit on the pole that sticks out the front of the dish) then climb up to your dish and fit it, and then run the extra set of cables down to the sky+ box

It really is easier to just let sky install it!
Question Author
thanks everybody for your answers - I think I will go with chuckfickens - let sky install it - that way I will have guarantee. bye for now
Are you near the end of a year contract? If so then you may be able to get away with a free one by saying you are thinking of cancelling and seeing what they can offer you.

It's more persuasive if they can get you to sign up on the spot. I did this when I joined, tested the water with no names a few times and each time they would offer free sky pus box on the spot if I signed up then and there.

They sometimes do refer a friend deals where if you refer someone who takes up sky then you get a free box, had gone off last time I looked but there may be another offer soon.
connemara I still see the magazine ads saying it is 70 quid all in. That's what I paid in July plus a bloke came and fitted it.
Actually, can't remember if I paid for him!
Question Author
well everybody just had to let you know i have signed up and paid for �159 - will get over this at least I know it will be guaranteed - again thanks for all your answers - you all deserve stars *************************

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