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bigmamma | 08:10 Sat 15th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Good morning sweeties , it's too early for a weekend , I so wanted a lie-in today but the puppy had other ideas:-( Hope you are having a good weekend . xxxxxxx


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Morning all :)

What is it with pets this morning :) I got woken up by a Heathcliffe wanting cuddles!

Not got much planned for today, just a nice relaxing one as arthritis being evil but going to try and spend an Argos voucher I got for my birthday later :)

Hope everyone has a lovely day xxx
Good morning bigmamma and everyone.
Quite a nice day here apart from a bit breezy, but at least it's dry. I might get some washing hung out.

I hope you all have a good day.
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Enjoy your viewing beejay sweetie :-)
Morning jen , awww kitty cuddles . I could easy help you spend your voucher , hee hee , hope you manage to get yourself something nice with it hun :-)
Morning daniela , it's fortunately not breezy here for a change , quite mild actually at 11 degrees .I've just taken the dogs , one by one , to the park for a walkies :-)
Good Morning one and all

Am I right ?
I'm not wrong !
Aww, bigmamma ... you gave me stars.

Thank you. I love them.

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Morning johnny :-)
Awww , bless you jayne , x
watch rugby !!

I would rather watch the paint dry on BM wall ;-)
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Lol dustypuss , morning to you , nice to see you , have you got anything planned for the weekend ? Obviously not watching the rugby , you and me both :-) xxx
dusty-dont take on so
good morning bigmamma, good morning everybody! that's my school singalong greeting :o)

sorry I'm late :o(

I've got heaps to do today (as always) but will it get done? hmmm.....

have a lovely day xx
I might watch the rugby.

I'm meeting a few friends for lunch, so we'll probably spend the afternoon in the pub.

The rugby might be on there.

We'll sit in a corner, watching the men watching the rugby.

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Morning sara , a very tuneful school sing-along hun , sounds like you've got a busy day ahead . :-)
Jayne , do the men watching rugby dress in rugby gear know ....tight little shorts and tops watch the match , like football fans wear their teams strip ?

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