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Whats sugarcraft?

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angel21 | 11:09 Wed 04th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers


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making things with sugar etc, like cake decorations
WOW red how did you work that one out ?
listen logic. Ive had hardly any sleep all week and have spent the morning clearing puke. Dont mess with me OK


loggy feels a bit sheepish nar,
oh gosh, my mum loves sugarcraft!

she makes loads of (very realistic) flowers out of some kind of icing and puts them in displays and in vases.

they're not meant for eating, and it doesn't really "do it" for me but it's kept my mum quiet for years!
Were doozers sugar crafters?
Is angel the person who asked if you incubated an egg, would it hatch, yesterday?

Ye Gods, you really have to wonder how she manages to get dressed in the morning dont you?

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