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If you were a pigeon.....

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mrs_overall | 16:08 Fri 13th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
...where would you most like to live in London, and why?


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anywhere with lots of nice food
in Downing street then I could crap right on mr browns big fat bonce every ,morning and I would squitt all over that darling twonk as well
lol, hello ray how are you?
Question Author
Hi mcfluff and Old Pa Sparx xx

I'm being a bit naughty cos this question is a tiebreaker for a competition and I'm brain dead today lol
Hello fluffy. I am fine thanks, hope you are. I really do love that name.
I want to poo on a car!!!!
go ahead cazzz you don't even have to be a pigeon to do that.
lol ray xxx

I would be a bit of a sight though... :o
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yep i'm fine ta, go on cazz you know you want to.......
wouldnt want to live in London. but I guess trafalger, lots of socialising, good place to eat out, great night life and wicked new years eve :-)
old pa sparx? you getting cheeky mrs bridges lol.

If I was to be a posh pigeon I would live in Hampstead. plenty of trees, big houses and tourists to dive bomb when I had the scutters
that spot just outside the charity shop we were dropping off stuff too when a nasty traffic warden booked us. hope he is still there and if he was I would bombard him everytime.
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If you were a pigeon.....

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