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totally fed up!!!!

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MLN:RUGBY | 01:25 Fri 06th Mar 2009 | Crosswords
19 Answers
I use this site mainly to help anyone who is genuinely struggling with the odd answer, but get annoyed when I see certain names asking for answers to start, then to continue and then to finish a crossword!! The same names appear to do this every week, often on the "start" date!
At least try first & then ask! The harder crosswords give plenty of solving time!!


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this is an Answer site ..... there are no limitations

I get fed up with this kind of posting :-)
And you find that more annoying than certain people on here that guess at answers without understanding why, and then witter on at great length as to how useless they are?

It takes all sorts, and if nobody asked questions, we wouldn't be here now.
Someone asked Learnburn yesterday and the quiz was only delivered the day before! Struggling, given up, they say.terminally stupid are most of those regulars that you haven't named.
Question Author
Example directly above this posting!
Spectator only online yesterday & closing date 23rd March! Surely there is enough time to have a think before asking for help!
Hi Mark

A few years ago I posted an item headed 'How to Solve An Advanced Crossword' and laid out a similar formula to yours-
1) Ask for help with 6-8 clues to 'get started'.
2) Use those letters to ask about another 6-8 clues saying 'you are well on the way'
3) Seek help to 'finish off the puzzle' using all the letters you've been given.

My attempt at sarcasm backfired when I received some thank you's for my suggestion which they would now adopt!
Question Author
Hi K,

I have noticed your theory being put into practice by the same people each week!
Are these people lazy, or just biting off more than they can chew?
egt a fiel (3,1,4)
Question Author

Which crossword was that from?
Persevere & you may figure it out before the closing date! ;-)
Why join a Q&A site then moan about people asking questions??
A lot of people seem to do that and I can never figure out why.
Fair Play comes into it, squarebear.
Why do you never ask anything, squarebear? I think you might have a more well known screen name!
As you know, squarebear, I only care about the ONE and Only quiz left for me where the QuizSetter(not for a Charity) has asked entrants to not ASK on here or other forums. But they do because as you say, squarebear, it's the AB so they go ahead and spoil the fun.
Look! I've got stars by my answer! A first.
Enjoy the day everyone. I must get a life!
Hi Tallulah,

I have only one screen name and have on occasions asked things but I prefer to answer them,as it keeps my old grey matter ticking away.

Some people like to ask questions, others like to answer them. I fall in the latter.

I could never understand why people get so upset about people asking questions on here. If this site didn't exist, many more do the same function, yahoo answers etc.

Have a nice weekend x
Question Author

I rarely ask questions on this site & do answer quite a few.
When I'm really struggling I ask here as a last resort, but am not happy when weekly, I see the same people asking multiple questions on the first day of a crossword being issued.
Isn't it just cheating?
As many of you already know, I run a blog for the Telegraph crosswords.

There has been a lot of discussion on there about whether or not to provide answers for the weekend prize crosswords. I ran a little mini-poll and the results were:

Yes - 14%
Hints only - 61%
No - 24%

I was pleased, if a little surprised, and as a result I publish a few hints actually on the day (with comments suppressed) and a complete review on Thursday (after the closing date).

Obviously, it is not possible for this site to be monitored in the same way. If answers were not to be given here then the people concerned would go elsewhere, and possibly not return.

The Internet has changed some things for ever, and complaining just turns you into a Neo-Luddite.
Trying to be charitable, perhaps some people are not so proficient at crosswords, but do enjoy trying. If they ask for some answers, and get replies, perhaps this is a way of expanding their knowledge, that is of course if they have a reasonably good memory. However, I do agree that it is irritating when some people ask for the answer to practically every question for the crossword they are doing.
Hi squarebear,
I got a life! Been to post my GFQ entry. Been to Sainsbury's for egg and chips and a bit of cake shopping. mmmmmmm.
I don't care two hoots for those easy weekend General Knowledge Crosswords that are asked ad nauseum. I scroll through them fast.
I do sometimes answer questions but only to the favoured few and I hope I'm not ruining someone elses day. QuizmasterG soon put me in my place!
Have a nice weekend. Mine's Puzzle Free.
Oh dear Bea'll be on in a bit as her language pal has answered.
Miouw - and as for learning a language different from one's own, it all helps to keep the brain active.
How does Latin and Greek A level grab you and French, German and English O level. I can just about manage the Spanish La Liga terms too!
Just call me Bea. I like the name.
Very clever - Well done!!! It must have taken a lot of hard work. I wouldn't have thought that someone so well educated would stoop to being catty.

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totally fed up!!!!

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