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I've been zapped

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dot.haukes | 23:58 Sun 02nd Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
None of my posts these last few days seem to have appeared on the site. very odd.


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I haven't been on much, Dot, so I haven't noticed.

Tis odd though.
I posted a thread earlier and it took half an hour to appear.

Hi MWB. x
I haven't been on much as Ginger has been on 'Mafia Wars' rarara......daughter's been on PC....poor me :-(

He's just nodded off now :-)
i havent been on much either . Tried posting earlier and site slow nothing happened ehen i submitted Q. Hit submit again and Q posted three times !!!!!
Post a Garth Brooks Youtube link and that`ll disappear too
Question Author
Nah, Die Hard with A Vest on is on and I haven't watched it for a few months lol
How are things on the job front, Dot?
Question Author
Good couple of options this week, back to work Tuesday. last week in work now, It's been a pain being stuck at home for 7 days with this flu tho.
have you got swine flu
Oh no Dot, have you got the swine flu - or ordinary flu? Did you get tamiflu from the doctor?
Question Author
I was diagnosed with swine flu last tuesday and got the tamiflu tuesday afternoon. It's mainly been the muscle and joint ache and headache that's been bad. The tamiflu didn't bother me at all, took the last one this morning, they only give you 10,
You must have broken some Site Rules, unlike you!
Question Author
Nope, not me lol I've just been invisible maybe
ten minutes?

Question Author
ha ha zigzag, funny as ever, no 10 tablets
I thought you had a new job already? Or am I confused, (it's happening a lot this weekend).

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I've been zapped

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