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Well how quiet is it on Chatterbank this morning?

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dot.haukes | 11:16 Mon 10th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I was at work for 7, all the stock is on it's way to Harrow and now I am free to chill out and do what i want for a few days!!!
But it's raining, again : (


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It's just stopped raining here.
-- answer removed --
It's nearly stopped here.
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I think it may be making an attempt to brighten up actually here too, good job I cut the lawns last night on the lowest blade! At least I wonlt need to do them again for a couple of weeks.
What happens to the left over stock out of interest?
Question Author
all my stock has gone to Debs Harrow as the SSG dept there is staying as clearance until at least October. If you can get there you'll get some brilliant bargains during aug/sept/oct.
Left-over can make gravy out of that, can't you:-)
any chance it could get 'diverted'......
China and mccfluff... CB shoe pirates... arg!
Shoe pirates with pink machetes hopefully! Where's Harrow? (I'm aware I could google).
Move to Harrow with the's not raining 'dahn-sarf' yet.
I thought you were off to New York with your nephew.

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Well how quiet is it on Chatterbank this morning?

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