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Get well soon WBM

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ruthann58 | 08:35 Sat 28th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
hope you are soon better waterboatman we all miss you xxx


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yep gw soon xxx
We know he is poorly then?
swine flu apparently!
Yes get Well soon Wbm!! {:)
Yes, hope you're better soon waterboatman, we miss you. Mornings aren't the same without you :D xxx
Awww... Poor WBM... Feel better soon :c)
hope you're better soon WBm x
Hope you're soon feeling much better, WBM. xxx
I'm missing you, gorgeous waterboatman! get well very soon and I'll see you behind the boat sheds ;o) xx
-- answer removed --
Hope you're back with us very soon, wbm, it's lonely here without you xxx seeks

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Get well soon WBM

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