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Three words or phrases

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Firiffic | 14:02 Fri 22nd Jul 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers

To beat the band is slang for: a) to excel at something   b) to be thwarted  c) to cheat  d) sing one's own praises


Banjaxed is slang for:  a) being lucky  b) being ruined  c) being cautious  d) being set upon


The word torpedo is derived from: a) the latin for a family of fish  b) the german for "to strike"  c) the greek for moving ahead  d) the german for underwater



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A, B and A in that sequence.
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Thank you once again dear Quizmonster. I find myself again in your debt. 

Would banjaxed be used thusly:

The business is being banjaxed by staff stealing.

Yes, that's a fine example of its use. Here's another: "That goalkeeper banjaxed our chances of winning the league!" The word is a form of Anglo-irish slang, which probably appeared in Dublin originally.
Question Author
Thanks again.  I'm now looking forward to throwing it effortlessly into conversation and receiving that puzzled look that I get from people sometimes!

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