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Stokemaverick...what did you think about my reply.............................

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10ClarionSt | 18:40 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
3 Answers your Delilah thread? I thought you might have a comment about those former Stoke players? Nowt wrong with that is there Ed?


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sorry 10clarionst i didnt see your thread...
thank you mamya...i remember those players indeed kids we used to go down to the victoria ground every day and the traing pitch used to be at the side of the ground all the players you mentioned used to let us watch them and happily sign our autograph books..denis smith,alan hudson,eric skeels as you say,john marsh,gordon banks [my hero]..all great players and many more..1 of my fave stories is that when we won the league cup in 1972 [i was 12] and some mates were watching the lads train inside the victoria ground and tony waddington came out and we asked him if we could see the cup,he turned on his heels and 5 minutes later returned with the cup and let us all hold it..that wouldnt happen nowadays...great players and great days...

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