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anfield.....where is it?

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suagrtits | 11:41 Tue 20th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
hi everyone, im in the process of booking a secret getaway for my boyfreinds 40th in may to liverpool. So far i have a hotel by albert docks and the beatles experience, but want to book a stadium tour also as he is a MASSIVE pool fan but cant find it on the map. What i want to know is how far away from the docks is it? knowing my luck now its right on the other side of liverpool isnt it? lol


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Evian -I'm not biting on this one - i have my opinion and am not telling, asking or bullying anyone into what they should post - my OPINION is that to ask directions on a Q&A site is stupid when you can get a quick and factual answer using an on line map.
Well Kristal, if I may peck through your cloak of immunity for one moment - is your purpose in life always to be this unhelpful?
But you're giving irrelevant opinions that are nothing to do with the question. And yes, you are being rude.
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kristal - yes admittedly suagtits could have googled and got directions and yes it is sometimes annoying when people ask questions expecting us to do the hard work because they cannot be arsed, and yes she could have done it herself - and probably should have really - but - no need to get nasty about it.

also i got the impression suagrtits wanted to know how near it was, in terms of how easy it is to get to...not necessarily how it looks on a map - such as is it walkable or if there are plenty of buses etc, and whether she has found handy accommodation for it or not...
petal seems to be providing her own definition of annoyance
Evian - Actually my original reply WAS helpful - i even posted a link for the OP so she could go have a look . My opinion still stands on the relevance of asking such a question - like it or lump it ;-)
<Anfield ... where is it?>

Of course the short answer - and the most appropriate one is;

just across the way from Goodison Park
No, your original answer was poking around about her relationship.

You then took it upon yourself to be rude despite others giving useful answers.

Then you went back to having a pop about her relationship again.
@Zeuhl- LOL! - no no no -then the next question would have been 'where's Goodison park' (where is it BTW)
evian -give it a rest will you?
Ha ha ha. What a charmer you really are. When you do, I will.
I wonder if there was also an element of 'is this a really good thing to be doing?' and that isn't shown on a google map... Just maybe demonstrating to him that she really understands what he would like is a good way of making him think of her a little more seriously..

just a thought....
kristal - choose your battles

there are loads of people, and comments, on here that warrant a good telling off - and i am one for giving them it when i feel they deserve it...but this isnt really on of those occasions is it? really?

so as you say kristal, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion... just as suagrtits is perfectly entitled to 'lump it'
joko, Kristal is unavailable at the moment.
Don't know what happened here, it's a bit like the school yard !!!
suagrtits you will love Liverpool, it's 1 of my favorite places to visit, so much to do and see, I don't know if the Beatles experience takes you into the famous Cavern but if not make sure you go, it's free in the afternoon and a short walk from the main shops, also try the ferry if you have time, the museum's are great if its raining and the 2 large Cathedrals are brill, try this site for more info, enjoy.
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well obviously i see i have missed alot when i have been at work lol. thanks for all your advice and suggestions, they are very much appreciated. Everything is all booked and paid for now and cant wait to see his face on his birthday ;-)
what a numpty thing to go and get thrown out for this request to suagrtits.......tut.
in the town centre there is a large LFC memorabilia shop he might like too

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anfield.....where is it?

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