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firewatch | 20:00 Sat 30th Jun 2012 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
The dog has just farted on the remote! Nice!!


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Give it the boot!
Was it a runny one?
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No,luckily she lifted her tail farted then put it back down, guess i wont be changing channels any time soonx
Put the remote in a clear plastic bag for a while.
Sorry but I laughed.
Know how you feel. Did a long and very slow journey just before Christmas with a grumbling nephew in the passenger seat and a farting JRT in the back.
Oh well. The smell from the remote will now equate to the quality of so many of the programs we're being offered these days! thankful it did'nt follow through!!
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Shes really bad tonight! She just looked at her own bum when she just let off a very loud one!

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