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@ Factor 30. How Was Stoke?

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Tilly2 | 20:28 Sun 06th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I want to know all about it.


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Thanks for asking, Tilly2.
It was great to meet up with (sorry!) old friends and rediscover the friendliness of the locals. Picked up friend in Leek en-route and then stopped with friends in Longton. Went to our usual pub/restaurant (forgotten the name-will tell you the area when I remember) then went to our favourite pub in Longton and stayed there until 1am.
Got back late afternoon today.
are there any good pubs left in longton factor???...stokemaveric says he doesnt think there is...well in the town anyway...
Just remembered the place with excellent food and beers- it's in Rough Close area (which is much nicer than it sounds).

The Congress in Longton serves great beers and everyone there is really friendly
that would be the swynnerton arms factor...yes its nice in there...the congress is a real old stokie pub isnt it??
Yes and yes, mrsmaveric.
Until you mentioned it I had never realised you and stokemaveric are a couple.
I like your avatar, by the way. I don't know why I hadn't noticed it before
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I'm glad you enjoyed yourself with your friends, factor. The Swynnerton Arms is a good food pub, I believe. Did you get called 'youth'?

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@ Factor 30. How Was Stoke?

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