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The Boss, More 4, Kelsey Grammar

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DJHawkes | 01:18 Fri 22nd Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
expected the hype to be a red herring and it would be a let down, not at all, brilliant, really captivating, a must see,


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I missed it but on again later so will record.
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definately a surprise find, hadn't heard about it until today.
What is it, dot?
Have just set the skyplus for 3.15am on 4+1. Read about it at weekend and thought it looked good but forgot to set the box. Thanks for the reminder.
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Very gritty show about a fictioanl mayor of modern day chicago, really well done, almost understated.
it was good, really enjoyed what i saw, but i fell alseep halfway through, i'll get it on catch up later
Ooh good, I've got it taped so I'll watch it later, been looking forward to it starting.
Didn't that show just get cancelled in America?

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The Boss, More 4, Kelsey Grammar

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