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A New Manager Starts At Work Next Week, She Is Called Penny

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DJHawkes | 23:06 Mon 01st Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
really, she is, it's going to be fun. Wonder if she has ever been sheldoned before?


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If she's never watched that prog (which I'd never heard of) she won't know what this is about....?
Don' trust anyone called Penny.

Take her to the stationary cupboard, kill her, and then throw her into the recycling skip....

Question Author
we have a stationary cupboard? who knew!
Broom cupboard?
Much better than those moving cupboards.
You might have better luck with the stationery cupboard, the other one might not stay still long enough.
See, some good advice here.

Is there a car park close by? and don't forget back bin liners....
-- answer removed --
LOL.... :D

The Fonz, is that you??? ;)

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A New Manager Starts At Work Next Week, She Is Called Penny

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