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Tip Of The Day

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DJHawkes | 08:16 Sun 07th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
don't buy cheap tin foil, it's like being on blue peter, off to work in the city centre store, if anyone wants to pop in i'll be the one in the burgundy skirt suit looking calm and collected (with my name badge in plain sight) call in and i'll sell you a kobo or a dan brown pre-order .


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or if all else fails a bar of chocolate tut
Which city centre? (Do you mean town centre?). And which store?
Are you selling off any cheap Easter eggs?
Have you got the latest Kate Atkinson book, dotty?
Question Author
yes tilly, probably, not been on books in a while., the priests town factor and the easter eggs sold out the week before easter!
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tut, you're a lazy lot, not one of you popped in for a natter!

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