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Lol Anyone Else Ever Noticed As Many Ad Songs In Their Life

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DJHawkes | 22:39 Fri 10th May 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
i hadn't realised just how many there are, it must keep the royalties rolling in,


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You might be right about that!
it's just background noise to me..
Question Author
it's not like the songs actually reflect the product half the time, probably the ad agency are given a list of songs available and they work down the list til they find a cheap one they actually know,
Hands that do dishes, la la la
I was going to post something similar but I am feeling a bit waspish tonight and thought I might word it nastily. I generally zap the adverts so I have no idea how much music is in them, I thought it was generally just talking to promote the product.
I once read if a song/tune was over a certain age you did not have to pay royalties
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i guess most folk are used to tuning out during the ad break, half the time i don;t even know what an ad is trying to sell,
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well certainly that applies to copywrite laws with ;iterature, whether it works with music i don't know, but oddly i think i should know,
Just run a google check, 50 years for the artist and lifetime for the compose plus 70 years after death, Cliff Richard is trying to get the 50 year rule changed

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Lol Anyone Else Ever Noticed As Many Ad Songs In Their Life

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